Your Turn
Wow! I Cannot believe that this will be my 10th blog on this site. It has truly been a long journey, both of self discovery AND reflection. To those of you who still continue to read my updates or studies, I want to thank you for giving me a reason to write and be creative. This would not have been possible without you. I only hope that you have enjoyed reading them or even learning something about yourself, and while I do enjoy writing about myself and about topics I find interesting, I’d like to turn the script and learn about you, my humble and amazing readers!
So as you may have noticed before, below every article or blog on here, there is a comment section. If you are still having fun with reading these blogs, I’d love to hear about YOU now. What have you learned about yourself? Has there been something that you have read within these anectdotes that made you want to to reflect on something you have been through over the last year? OR maybe even tell me about some more subjects you’d like me to touch on in a future blog/study. You are of course the reason to which I continue to create these memos so why not suggest your very own topics you’d like me to talk about!
When I began writing these little jots of daily life, they started out as a creative way for me to express myself fully and introduce you to who I was and it has since become even more. Now I want to know who YOU are! 😊 So with your help, I’d really like to continue making something fun for both of us; for me to write and for you to read as a viewer. I know it can be intimidating to type something down in that big daunting white box, but know this is a safe space. Again, I want to thank you all for taking this journey with me and I truly look forward to hearing from you, especially about new topics you wish for me to write about as well as your own story and what you’ve been through over the last year that keeps you going as a person! You have my total gratitude! Until next time, be well and stay humble! Thank You!